Honours to Sir Ken Robinson

Sir Ken Robinson

Image by eschipul via Flickr

Everyone working in the educational world knows sir Robinson’s talks, some know his book(s), and the same world is split into traditionals who treat him as a mad man and others who – at least – listen to him. I listen to him and find his observations are extremely clever, eyes-opening and certainly sir Robinson is the person who shows what is wrong about education. His talk on RSA combined with a fantastic animation helps many of my friends and colleagues to understand how and why the educational system is far from today’s world. The explanation of the present and the past is the first step to success, you might say. Yes, it is. It certainly is. This is the way we can manage things.

What I think we need now is the way out. I would dream about a global/total recipe on how to develop every child into her/his best direction possible. And how to do it in the crowd? Some people bravely try and succeed (http://www.kunskapsskolan.se/), but it is still far from convincing decidents on the future of education worldwide. Why are they affraid of a change? Have anyone tried to calculate such a change?

I would be grateful to Polish education boards if they try to calculate costs to introduce novel systems like KED. I would be happy if anyone tries to discuss it in detail, not in general, in the nearest future.

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